Tuesday, November 29, 2011

New Websites

We currently have five different websites. www.barrettandcoe.co.uk for Wedding and Portrait Courses, for the Barrett and Coe franchise www.barrettandcoefranchise.co.uk www.barrettandcoeweddings.co.uk for weddings, www.barrettandcoeportraits.co.uk for portraits, and www.portraitleads.co.uk for independent photographers wishing to use our portrait booking and leads service.We are busy completely revamping the wedding and the portrait sites. The portrait site should go live at the end of next week. Over the next couple of months we will...

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Ex-student success

Posted this morning on the Barrett & Coe Facebook group by one of our ex students:"Two family viewings this evening, first one mum, dad and livewire 4 year old - at the start of the shoot the mum was adamant she wanted to be in as few pictures as possible. £870 spent :) Second one, 3 generations, only 3 of the family came back for the viewing but couldn't stop spending... £2910 spent :) :) Just blown my highest order value and highest monthly totals completely out of the water!!"For more information on our Photography courses please...

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


At our last course weekend students were shown how to select images for qualifications and awards by reference to the CLEPS scoring system. Images are assessed seperately in the five categories:CompositionLightingExpressionPosingSpaceDuring this session a number of images are judged after animated discussion and exchange of opinions. Students scoring closest to our...

Monday, November 21, 2011

Next courses

Our next courses begin in January and places are filling up fast. We are getting as many as four/five enquiries a day and in many instances I speak to the people enquiring on the phone, or some come and visit and look around our extensive facilities. It is always interesting listening to the many different reasons that people give to begin professional portrait/wedding photography. Today I had a call from a lady who owns a dog grooming parlour and is often asked for portraits of the dogs! She has the space to take pictures on her premises and to...

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Super Group

Last Friday and Saturday were our Seminars 3 and 4 for the Portrait and Wedding course 2 and on Sunday Seminar 5 for our Course 1.Before the Saturday seminar began the Portrait course were given a tour round David Macdonald's studio by David before he started a very busy schedule of family sittings.  Course members found this hour inspirational.Below is a picture...

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Quadruple sales

This email was received from one of our part time studios yesterday:"Dear Elaine & DavidI just wanted to write and say a massive thankyou to you both for all the help and advice you have given me over the last couple of months, especially when I was struggling with sales and viewings in October. I have changed a few things around in the studio and adjusted my viewing process and things really feel like they are working well at the moment (I'm waiting for the bubble to burst but hoping that it won't). This has resulted in a couple of really...

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Once Kodak was one of the biggest companies in the world. They are now reported to be close to going into the American version of administration Their success was built on global sales of film, but in the early nineties they did not put their resources behind research and development of digital technology, preferring instead to please their shareholders with increasing short term profits.Typical of our western culture.In the mid eighties they paid us £450,000 for less than 40% of our company which had 35 wedding and portrait studios, all with one...

Friday, November 11, 2011

Busy studios

Most of our studios are fully booked through to Christmas which has been the case for a couple of weeks. As we appear to be in the midst of a recession this is very encouraging.Our new partnerships with The National Childbirth Trust and Parent Teacher Associations UK are proving very succesful and marvelous organisations. A proportion of any monies spent with a studio goes back to them.They have not appointed National Partners before so this is a very exciting new initiative for the photography Market.We began working with NCT in July and have...

Monday, November 7, 2011

September Baby of the Month

September Baby of the Month has been chosen. A selection of images and winning photo, taken by ex student Jenny Baxter (who runs a Barrett & Coe studio in Oxford) are shown below:Baby of the Month - Win...

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Kim Kardashian will be a Wedding Organizer Soo

The wedding ceremony of the American actress, model and socialite Kim Kardashian with a basketball player from New Jersey Nets Chris Humphreys was one of the key secular events this year. In his triumph, Kim literally put his heart and soul daily for a few months she went to the salon Vera Wang fitting to wedding dresses ,...